
ELLLO70 Abilities

Jamon can play musical instrument .  He is good at the Dijuridu.  It is an Australian instrument . He learned in Switzerland . It popular in there. He learned it for four years.
I can play the sax too. Because when i was hight school student ,  i belonged to a brass band. But i was often scolded by my teacher. But i enjoyed playing the sax. I want to buy it . But it is very very expensive for me .


ELLLO98 How often do you go shopping?

  Santi, really enjoy shopping.  She often  goes  to the department store  . There is a bargain or sales, and  her house is near one of the biggest department store, it's about five minutes by car, so well, if she wants to have lunch , she goes to that department store, and after that she goes shopping.

    Lia goes shopping quite a lot. Recently, maybe three to four times a week, She buy  usually daily needs such as fruit or food but not clothes or things like that.

I like shopping ! Especially i like clothes .So  i often go to Okayamastation and i buy clothes .


ELLLO14 Big Apple Baby

Kevin is from Pheonix, Arizona.. But He was actually born in New York, because his parents were living in New York at that time . His father was a Major Leaugue Baseball player, and the year he was born.

ELLLO 301 Japan


Hitoshi talks about his country ., He is  from a city called Utsunomiya in japan.
It's north of Tokyo.Japam is  a very crowded country, a lot of people. And it's very small area. It's actually smaller than California. I like Japan very much. Because Japanese food very good. I love Osushi .

ELLLO what makes good teacher

I think good teacher has  knowledge and communication skills . And they need  listen well to a student's concerns, answer questions , explain anything.


ELLLO19 The train trip

 Devon started in Moscow, travelled through Russia, Mongolia, and ended up in China.
 That's a long way! It took three weeks. He did it as part of a tour with ten other people.
 It cost a lot of money but he very enjoyed. I want to visit many countries sometimes.

elllo84 good dog

His dog's name is Piper. His was a mutt, a homeless dog so he picked up off the street about four and a half years ago. His dog is very quite and cute.  I love dogs !! My dog's name Ramu. Very vary cute!!I love Ramu!! I often take a ramu out for a walk .But recently don't go .Because it is  cold.